Thursday, December 3, 2020

What's NEXT? (Michael Crichton)








 Absolutely terrifying. 

Crichton has basically thrown together a grab-bag of "worst case scenarios" for genetic modification research into a "perfect storm" of biological nightmares. Even though it begins to read like a farce, with hop-skip pacing and multiple random strands tying together with implausible convenience, the reason it remains horrific is because every nightmare in the book is true--it has either already happened and will continue to happen, or every precursor for its happening is already in place and nothing is being done to prevent it, essentially assuring its inevitable event.

One issue he does not include (at least, not directly) is the issue of the revival of human eugenics which again, is already ongoing in small ways (for example, through embryo screening and selection) and which is on track to become a dehumanizing juggernaut if not contained. For an examination of the kind of pressures that may create for humanity, see the movie "Gattaca."

This work needs serious, conscientious consideration, and that is not being done as the general public continues to be distracted by idiotic, shallow "controversies" (as well as just "amusing ourselves to death"--a la Neil Postman) while research that may create irreversible, tragic changes to our lives--and indeed our very selves--continues unexamined.