Today’s Old Testament reading described the system of
the Jubilee, where God commanded that, every 50 years (among other things), any
land that had been bought or sold during that time would revert back to the
original families. This, our pastor
explained, is because the earth belongs to GOD, and no one has the right to own
it indefinitely. No one has the right to
keep and accumulate more and more material wealth ad infinitum, ad nauseum,
while (of necessity) others thereby have less and less. This necessarily leads to practical, if not
literal, slavery.
And, as Christians, we are called BEYOND the
requirements of mere law—we should walk not just the one required mile, but
two; we should not only not kill our enemy, but love and bless him. The first Christians didn’t accept the system
of “7-year Sabbath for the earth, and every 50 years a Jubilee”—they went above
and beyond, and “everything they shared in common, according to their needs.” That’s right, they were communists! Not the screwed-up, morally-bankrupt modern
version of “communism,” which still involves some few at the top lapping up the
cream while the peasants stand in line for bread—but true communal living;
sharing that springs from mutual love in Christ.
That’s why it always shocks me to hear people who wrap
themselves in a “Christian” veneer chuntering on about Capitalism (a system
based upon and extolling the deadly sin of greed) and a “Free Market.” In a market without limits, without right
relationship to God and others, you inevitably end up with Pharoah building his
palaces on the backs of whip-striped slaves.
So, you either need to shut up about a “Free Market” and work
passionately for conversion for all—so that we can all be truly FREE, and thus
our “market” will be, too—or shut up about a “Free Market” and make sure there
are regulations that truly prevent both the tragedy of the commons and the “company
store” enslavement of the have-nots. One
or the other, and either way, “Christian” pundits, you need to shut up about a “Free
Market.” Period.
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