Marriage Has Been Redefined: Now What? by Trent Horn
Anthony Kennedy’s definition of marriage in Obergefell:
responds to the universal fear that a lonely person might call out only to find
no one there. It offers the hope of companionship and understanding and
assurance that while both still live there will be someone to care for the
Wow. This is the
most appalling reason to marry I’ve ever seen; and I’ve seen some bad
ones. We get married so we don’t feel
abandoned in the world—so SOMEBODY will be there for us? This is not a reason to get married, it’s a
reason to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE and meet some people and form friendships! Are we so horrifically disconnected now that
the only way we can see not ending up as a “lonely person” who “calls out only
to find no one there” is by marrying someone, so they supposedly have to be
there to “care for” us? What a
thoroughly sick culture we live in, where the only way we can be “assured” that
we are cared for and not left utterly ALONE is if we can make somebody marry
us. All the worse, since marriage isn’t
permanent now, so even if they DO marry me, I STILL could be “calling out only
to find no one there,” whenever he gets tired of being “there” for me and
decides to go be “there” for somebody else.
God help us.
[T]he right to marry is fundamental because it supports a two-person union unlike any other in its importance to the committed individuals. The intimate association protected by this right was central to Griswold v. Connecticut, which held the Constitution protects the right of married couples to use contraception.
How can an intelligent, highly-educated person
presumably skilled in argumentation NOT SEE that defining marriage exclusively
according to its “importance to the committed individuals” CANNOT “support a
two-person union,” period? If that is
what is central to what is a marriage, then ANY NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS may
decide to be so “committed,” may they not?
And how can we deny THEM this “fundamental” right? Polygamy—of any number and combination of
males/females/”others” cannot be disallowed by this radical redefinition of
marriage. For that matter, on what basis
are we to deny the “right” of the fellow in Canada who petitioned the
government to recognize his relationship with his DOGS as a marriage? The fact that they are two different
species? Don’t be so judgey and
speciesistic! If it makes them happy,
what right have we to exclude them from “sharing the love” (dear reader, please pronounce
that last word in your head as Luuuuuuuuv).
Trent’s suggestion to engage those who believe in this
supposed notion of “marriage equality” is this:
can ask them, “If you believe in marriage (however you may define it), would
you join me in opposing laws that allow divorce for any reason? Will you
uphold the sexually exclusive nature of marriage and condemn the rhetoric of
people like Dan Savage who support “monogamish” relationships that allow for consensual
infidelity? Will you stand with me in recognizing the
harm caused by the millions of fathers who walk out on the children they have
helped procreate? Will you fight for a child’s
right to a relationship with the mother and father who brought him into
Okeydokey. You
want marriage, let’s talk MARRIAGE.
will have to explain why society is better if it treats marriage licenses like
municipally regulated dating certificates.
We already need this explained, even before there was
any talk of same-sex “marriage.” I guess
we need to demand such an explanation, loudly.
Not, in this case, from the same-sex “marriage” crowd, but from the
no-fault divorce crowd.
we must double down on fighting for marriage’s permanence and sexual
exclusivity, both in our arguments in the public square and in choosing to
value permanence, sexual exclusivity, and openness to life in the privacy
of our own homes.
I will be very interested to see if and how this works
in the public square. Especially since
the permanence and sexual exclusivity only make sense when you are talking
about heterosexual marriages, because those relationships procreate children. The permanence and sexual exclusivity are
there to protect those children and attempt to provide the optimal conditions
for raising them (i.e., in a stable home with their mother and father). When you are addressing people who already
think marriage is some kind of “government registry of friends with the most ‘feels’,
” I expect most of them would simply say, “yeah, you know, I hadn’t really
thought much about that—I guess there’s no real reason why marriage SHOULD be
permanent or exclusive.”
On, in the comments section for this
article, I asked Trent how he would respond to that, and I do hope he answers,
because from watching him do “on the street” debating on the abortion issue, I
know him to be a truly gifted debater.
But in the meantime, also from the comments, here is one absolutely excellent
#2 James
as Christians are simply going to have to show the world what marriages really
are. That means I have to remain in a permanent, procreative, exclusive union
even if there are times when I don't want to. It means I can't excuse
fornication or no fault divorce or open marriages, or contraceptive marriages,
or act as if any of those things are okay and still claim to be holding a rational
position. And it means I can't back down and I can't be hateful even if I get
angry because my character is under attack. It's going to take courage and
Peter Kreeft (among others) has said that the one
irrefutable argument for the truth of Christianity is the life of a saint. Go, Saint James Matise and family!