Our jaws hit the floor. The next episode was primarily focused on the abortion. "Happy Abortion Eve!" chirps a coworker. Then we follow them through the whole process, except with more punch lines than most abortions, I assume.
Then they cut away, and we held our breath. Would they call it off at the last minute? Nope. The next time we see them, they are in the recovery room. She gets a phone call with a new job offer. She says she has the time now!
I felt physically ill."
Apparently, my friend's description of this is far kinder than the episode
as written. For one example, the character's response to the job offer was
actually: “You are in luck, because my schedule just got scraped clean.”
If the technology to replay these things exists 100 years from now,
whatever culture is rebuilding then will hold things like this up as
incontrovertible evidence of our barbarity. The Aztecs cut the living
hearts out of their enemies and offered them to their terrifying god.
We destroy OUR OWN CHILDREN in the name of convenience.
Honestly, I have far more respect for the Aztec religion. Or even for the
Molech-worshippers, who sacrificed infants. These religions were
horrifying--but at least sincere in their attempts to relate to their
conception of something greater than themselves. We allow a mother to
have her own child murdered for no better reason than
to--essentially--worship herself ("me/my needs are paramount, my child
is nothing in comparison").
P.S. Whoever else may read this: I am NOT saying that that is the
only reason that women get abortions. I am saying that we allow
abortion for that reason--for any reason. That's why this series can
make a "joke" about having your own child murdered just to spite your
political opponent. God save us.
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